
Read this paragraph to answer questions 17, 18, and 19.? He said it was because a private detective sees the dark side of human nature. But whatever
the reason, Gill Landers had an innate suspicion of politicians. When Senator Randy
Brill walked into his office on that summer day in August, mopping his flushed features with
a monogrammed handkerchief, Gill could think of no good reason to change his attitude.
He’d only met Brill once. That had been two years ago at a country club reception for state
political notables. Since then, he’d learned all he wanted to know about the senator’s sinister
reputation. Gill sat back in his chair, put his feet on his desk, and fought to keep a
poker face. But there was no way he could stop the chill that coursed along his spine like
a rush of ice water.
17. In the context of this paragraph, the word innatemeans
A. reasonable and understandable. C. native or inborn.
B. unreasonable. D. annoying or irritating.
18. Which of the following sentences most clearly represents the main idea in the paragraph?
A. Gill had a deep-seated dislike of state senators.
B. The day was too hot for dealing with politicians.
C. Like all private detectives, Gill was suspicious of politicians.
D. Gill felt justified in his suspicion of Randy Brill.
19. In this paragraph, the word notablesprobably signifies that the persons so described
A. are contributors to charity. C. would like to be politicians.
B. are wealthy people. D. have political influence.

Answers: 2

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Read this paragraph to answer questions 17, 18, and 19.? He said it was because a private detective...
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