Spanish, 29.04.2021 21:00 ijinaeiaujah8165

60 Points!! Prompt
Now you can submit the work you have finished from the "Explore: Topic of Personal Interest" assignment here. Type your response directly into the space provided. Assignment: You will have extended time to complete this assignment. When you are ready to submit, find the "Explore Submission: Topic of Personal Interest" link located in your Course Map. Using Spanish resources (internet, newspapers, magazines, books), write a minimum of 5 sentences in Spanish about a topic of personal interest. For example, if you are a soccer fan, you may consider researching information on a national soccer team or a famous soccer player from a Spanish-speaking country. Other topics to consider: national sport, national food, special event, or location (museum, temple, rainforest). When researching, think about what makes this specific person, place or event noteworthy or interesting to write about. Be sure to cite your resources at the end of your paragraph. Example: Los guaraníes son una gente indígena de Paraguay. Practican una forma de tejer¹ se llama Ñandutí. Crean muchas artesanías a mano con los tejidos². El estilo de ñandutí es como una telaraña³. El arte guaraní representa flores, animales, y símbolos de la naturaleza.
¹tejer: to weave, knit ²tejidos: fabrics, textiles ³telaraña: spider web

Historia del tejido Ñandutí
https://www. nodalcultura. am/2018/04/historia-del-tejido-nand uti/

You will be graded on (a) appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary, (b) completeness and detail of the response, and (c) overall quality of the response. You may use outside sources (Internet, books, magazines, etc.) to gather information for this assignment. However, be sure not to copy the information directly from those sources.

Answers: 3

Another question on Spanish

Spanish, 22.06.2019 12:00
Con quien _ (asistir) manuela el concierto?
Answers: 2
Spanish, 22.06.2019 12:30
Select the word from the list that best fits the definition de pequeña siembre las mismas canciones.
Answers: 3
Spanish, 22.06.2019 18:30
Magine you are graduating from high school and your parents tell you that you can go anywhere in the world for 2 weeks as your graduation present. in 3-4 spanish sentences, write where you would go and what you would do, using at least 3 vocabulary words from this week and one conditional irregular verb.
Answers: 1
Spanish, 23.06.2019 01:30
El peso uruguayo el balboa el sol el guaraní 2. la capital de uruguay es punta del este paysandú montevideo salto 3. el asado, la parrillada y el chivito son __ representativos de uruguay. platos productos bailes deportes 4. __ es una bebida de origen indígena muy popular en uruguay. el té el mate el candombe el asado 5. el deporte nacional de uruguay es la danza el fútbol el candombe la natación 6. en 1930, uruguay fue la sede de los primeros juegos olímpicos del primer carnaval de suramérica de la primera copa mundial de la parrillada más grande del mundo 7. el carnaval de montevideo se celebra con __ en las calles de la ciudad. parrilladas y asados partidos de fútbol campeonatos olímpicos desfiles, bailes y música 8. el carnaval de montevideo dura __ días. cuarenta siete quinientos cien 9. el ritmo del __ es de tradición africana. chivito carnaval candombe desfile
Answers: 1
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60 Points!! Prompt
Now you can submit the work you have finished from the "Explore: Topic o...
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