Spanish, 06.08.2019 08:10 landonreed5803

Yo la televisión la semana pasada. miré miro miraste miraron

Answers: 2

Another question on Spanish

Spanish, 22.06.2019 00:00
Okay i need someone to translate this to spanish for me . i would use google but it aint that accurate. my goals for this semester are very cliche. just like any other student i would like to be a straight a student and make the honor roll by the end of this semester. so far im doing really well following my goals. when i achieve my goals my family would be so proud of me. its honestly a good feeling when you do something big (:
Answers: 2
Spanish, 22.06.2019 03:00
Select the correct answer. identify the weather condition that’s most likely being described. un ciclón tropical caracterizado por mucha lluvia, viento relámpagos y truenos. a. un tornado b. un huracán c. un granizo d. una inundación
Answers: 2
Spanish, 22.06.2019 10:00
Estás en un restaurante. a. estás jugando. c. estás comiendo. b. estás tocando la guitarra. d. estás viajando.
Answers: 2
Spanish, 23.06.2019 02:00
According to the audio, what might the weather include today? nubes sol nieve lloviznas lluvias torrenciales relámpagos
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Yo la televisión la semana pasada. miré miro miraste miraron...
Mathematics, 14.05.2021 20:30
Chemistry, 14.05.2021 20:30
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