Spanish, 04.02.2020 11:59 anacecilianr2325

Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta que sigue. muy buenas noches san salvador, a continuación el pronóstico del tiempo para esta semana. el lunes nos espera un día soleado, despejado y con temperaturas cerca de los cien grados. para el martes las temperaturas disminuirán un poco hasta los ochenta y cinco grados y estará un poco nublado y con será un día agradable, pero se aproxima un frente frío a causa del huracán que viene del pacífico. por ahora, es un huracán de categoría cuatro que llegará al país el miércoles, trayendo vientos de setenta millas por hora. así que, prepárese para recibir aguaceros y vientos a sesenta y cinco millas por hora, estaremos a sesenta grados con posibilidades de inundaciones y deslaves. el jueves tendremos menos aguaceros todo el día, con lloviznas por la noche. la temperatura será de setenta y tres grados. el viernes estará nublado solo durante las horas tempranas del día; el sol comenzará a salir poco a poco y por la tarde se predice que tendremos una temperatura de setenta y cinco grados. finalmente se espera buen tiempo para el fin de semana, tendremos días soleados a partir de la tarde del sábado, en la que estaremos a 90 grados; y para el domingo esperamos regresar a los noventa grados o más y volver nuevamente a las condiciones usuales de los meses de verano.
escoge las frases ciertas según el párrafo.
este párrafo habla del clima para todo el verano.
hace mal tiempo toda la semana.
los cambios del tiempo durante la semana son por el huracán.
hace mucho calor el lunes.
hace fresco el viernes.
habrá posibilidad de inundaciones el miércoles.

Answers: 1

Another question on Spanish

Spanish, 22.06.2019 09:30
Choose the correct form of the imperfect for each given subject. nosotros /escribir a. escribía b. escribias c. escribiamos d. escribían franco/comer a. comías b. comían c. comia d. comiamos yo/cantar a. cantata b. cantabas c. cantabamos d. cantaban
Answers: 1
Spanish, 23.06.2019 08:30
Selecciona las respuestas correctas. ¿cuáles son algunas frases ciertas sobre la tradición de los muñecos que se hace en ecuador durante el año nuevo? they make dummies that are dressed up like famous people. the dummies are made out of metal. no one is allowed to see the dummy until new year's eve. people ask for money for the dummies' funerals.
Answers: 3
Spanish, 23.06.2019 11:40
3. choose the answer that best completes the sentence. (hablar) con mi amiga elena. (2 points) a: hablan b: hablas c: hablamos d: habla
Answers: 1
Spanish, 23.06.2019 12:30
Becoming a lifelong learner learning a language opens doors to a world of opportunity. of course, in order to really benefit from your studies, you’ll need to do more than just complete assignments. you’ll need to set habits that will tie you to spanish and its cultures even beyond the classroom. students who become lifelong learners of spanish have some basic characteristics and habits that you should develop if you want to get the most from your experience learning spanish. lifelong learners: have friends with whom they regularly converse in the target language. (this could be friends in school, neighbors or friends in the community.) regularly get information from target language sources (newspapers, magazines, internet spanish related news group (with parent’s approval), tv programs, radio, etc. that are produced by and for native speakers.) participate in activities of the target culture (celebrating holidays, seeing movies or plays of/in the target culture, preparing or eating dishes from the target culture, reading books or magazines from the target culture, etc.) someone who has developed these habits is on the way to becoming a lifelong learner. these types of habits reinforce a strong connection to the language and culture and develop a love and better understanding of that culture. think for a minute about the resources available. do you have friends who are native spanish speakers? do you ever watch spanish channels on television? you can probably think of several online sources. maybe you have some stores or restaurants in your community that are owned or frequented by spanish speakers. also think about when you could participate in spanish-related activities on a regular basis—remember that it’s setting the habits that will make the most difference. using the table below as a guideline, write out a plan for starting new habits. for the language or culture resources column, try to identify three different resources: 1. a friend or contact 2. an information source, and 3. a cultural activity. in the what i will do column, describe as specifically as you can what you will do. and in the when i will do it column, write when you plan on doing these activities. see the sample below to see how you might fill out your own table. you will have opportunities to follow up and report on your regular practice of engaging spanish resources close to home. you will be asked in a follow up assignment to report on what you have done.
Answers: 3
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Lee el párrafo y contesta la pregunta que sigue. muy buenas noches san salvador, a continuación el p...
Mathematics, 20.02.2020 09:51
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