Social Studies, 29.09.2020 06:01 jynaepooh

Question 21 1 pt
Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
A. Committees of Correspondence
B. Nonimportation Agreements
C. Boston Tea Party
D. First Continental Congress
O Protests Against Slavery in the American Colonies
Colonial Attempts to End the British Policy of Salutary Neglect
British Parliamentary Actions to Punish Colonial Americans
Colonial Responses to British Mercantile Polici

Answers: 3

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Karin bought illegal firearms at a gun show. at her trial, she alleged that she had committed this crime because her boyfriend had threatened to harm her and her two daughters if she did not. her lawyer asked the judge to instruct the jury that the prosecution had an obligation to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that karin had acted freely. instead, the judge told the jury that karin had the burden of proving duress by a preponderance of the evidence. who is correct?
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You know the right answer?
Question 21 1 pt
Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
A. Co...
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