Physics, 09.06.2021 14:00 edailey7230

Luces intersect each Lesson exercise
uswer the following questions
Define electric potential energy.
2. Explain the concept of electric potential difference.
2. What is the relation between electric potential energy and potential dif-
4. What is the other name given to a potential of a single point charge?
3. What are the uses of equipotential surfaces?
6. Find the magnitude of a charge that can be moved from infinity to a point
in an electric field where the potential is 20V, by spending 600J of work.

Answers: 1

Another question on Physics

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Suppose you increase your walking speed from 7 m/s to 13 m/s in a period of 2 s. what is your acceleration?
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An engine undergoes a cycle as shown in the diagram. during a complete cycle the work done by the gas is 28.5×103 j and the energy transferred thermally out is 99.4×103 j. there are 1.5×1024 gas molecules and they have three active degrees of freedom. 6. (6 pts) during which process(es) is energy transferred thermally into the gas? a. 1→2 b. 2→3 c. 4→1 d. 1→2 and 4→1 e. none of the above
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What does si stand for,when referring to a system of measurement
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Which statement is true if the refractive index of medium a is greater than that of medium b? a. total internal reflection is possible when light travels from air to medium b to medium a. b. total internal reflection is possible when light travels from medium a to medium b. c. total internal reflection is possible when light travels from medium b to medium a. d. total internal reflection is possible when light travels from air to medium a. e. total internal reflection is possible when light travels from air to medium b.
Answers: 1
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Luces intersect each Lesson exercise
uswer the following questions
Define electric potent...
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