Physics, 12.08.2020 09:01 nguyendavis17

Water has a specific heat capacity of 1.00 cal/g °C, and copper has a specific heat capacity of 0.092 cal/g °C. If both are heated to 100 °C, which takes longer to cool?

Answers: 1

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Iron is a transition metal with multiple oxidation numbers. (answer the following) a. what is the iron (ii) ion? how does it differ from the iron (iii) ion? b. if iron were to bond with oxygen, predict the formula for each oxidation number of iron. c. how would each formula be named?
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This chart shows characteristics of three different types of waves. which statement is best supported by the information in the chart? wave x and wave y are mechanical waves, and wave z is an electromagnetic wave. wave x and wave y are electromagnetic waves, and wave z is a mechanical wave. wave x and wave z are electromagnetic waves, and wave y is a mechanical wave. wave x and wave z are mechanical waves, and wave y is an electromagnetic wave.
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Water has a specific heat capacity of 1.00 cal/g °C, and copper has a specific heat capacity of 0.09...
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