Physics, 25.03.2020 17:48 cordovatierra16

Which element could not form in the sun and would have to be formed in a supernova?

hydrogen (atomic number 1)

helium (atomic number 2)

oxygen (atomic number 8)

uranium (atomic number 92)

Answers: 2

Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 08:30
How is sound energy produced a. vibrating objects b. objects being heated c. temperature differences d. stationary objects
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A15.75-g piece of iron absorbs 1086.75 joules of heat energy, and its temperature changes from 25°c to 175°c. what is the specific heat capacity of iron?
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Physics, 22.06.2019 20:00
In an old-fashioned amusement park ride, passengers stand inside a 3.0-m-tall, 5.0-m-diameter hollow steel cylinder with their backs against the wall. the cylinder begins to rotate about a vertical axis. then the floor on which the passengers are standing suddenly drops away! if all goes well, the passengers will “stick” to the wall and not slide. clothing has a static coefficient of friction against steel in the range 0.60 to 1.0 and a kinetic coefficient in the range 0.40 to 0.70. part a what is the minimum rotational frequency, in rpm, for which the ride is safe? express your answer using two significant figures. f f = rpm
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 20:50
The second largest public utility in the nation is the sole provider of electricity in 32 counties of southern florida. to meet the monthly demand for electricity in these counties, which is given by the inverse demand function p = 1,200 – 4q, the utility company has set up two electric generating facilities: q1 kilowatts are produced at facility 1, and q2 kilowatts are produced at facility 2 (so q = q1 + q2). the costs of producing electricity at each facility are given by c1(q1) = 8,000 + 6q12 and c2(q2) = 6,000 + 3q22, respectively. determine the profit-maximizing amounts of electricity to produce at the two facilities, the optimal price, and the utility company’s profit
Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
Which element could not form in the sun and would have to be formed in a supernova?

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