Physics, 07.03.2020 05:16 minnie7760

Consider two parallel disks of radius a separated by a small distance d. The space between the disks is filled with a conducting material of conductivity sigma and permittivity epsilon. The potential difference between the disks is VO. a) Find the electric field in the space between the disks. b) Find the corresponding volumetric current densityc) Find the Magnetic field in the space between the disks.

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Another question on Physics

Physics, 22.06.2019 14:00
Often called simply "velocity," this is the velocity of an object at a particular moment in time.
Answers: 1
Physics, 22.06.2019 19:30
Select light for the type of wave, adjust the wavelength so that the light is red, and increase the amplitude of the light to the max. then, select the start button at the source location to begin producing the waves. light is a form of electromagnetic wave, containing oscillating electric and magnetic fields. the wave amplitude detector mentioned above shows how the electric field oscillates in time at the location of the probe. the amplitude of the wave at the location of the probe is equal to the maximum electric field measured. how does the amplitude of the wave depend on the distance from the source?
Answers: 2
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Calculate a pendulums frequency of oscillation (in hz) if the pendulum completes one cycle in 0.5s.
Answers: 1
Physics, 23.06.2019 02:00
Compare the maximum rate of heat transfer to the basal metabolic rate by converting a bmr of 88 kcal/hr into watts. what is the value? from this comparison you should see why the body can accommodate a modes amount of activity in hot weather but strenuous activity would increase the metabolic rate above the body's ability to remove heat [12].
Answers: 3
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Consider two parallel disks of radius a separated by a small distance d. The space between the disks...
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