Mathematics, 05.07.2021 09:30 dcdr57

What is the H. C.F of 30 and 45​

Answers: 1

Another question on Mathematics

Mathematics, 21.06.2019 12:40
I'm so close to finishing all these.
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 15:00
Hye ryung is the president of the local chapter of the american medical students association (amsa). she is organizing local outreach and informational meetings. at her first meeting there are five people present (including herself). every month after that her group grows by 5 people. a. how many members are in the group after 6 months? b. the logistics of hosting and feeding her group at meetings was more complicated than expected. the cost of feeding 5 people at her first meeting was $30, for 10 people it was $35, for 15 it was $45, and after 6 months all of the costs had added up to $100. write a function to model the cost with the number of people attending meetings. c. what connections can you make between the linear growth of the group’s membership and the increasing costs of running meetings?
Answers: 3
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 20:30
Solve each quadratic equation by factoring and using the zero product property. n^2 - 49 = 0
Answers: 2
Mathematics, 22.06.2019 00:50
Melissa is purchasing a $160,000 home and her bank is offering her a 30-year mortgage at a 4.9% interest rate. in order to lower her monthly payment, melissa will make a 20% down payment and will purchase 3 points. what will her monthly mortgage payment be? a. $645.98 b. $650.46 c. $662.93 d. $606.69
Answers: 2
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What is the H. C.F of 30 and 45​...
Mathematics, 25.06.2019 23:40
Mathematics, 25.06.2019 23:40
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