History, 06.07.2019 18:30 londonval

What do you think led to the souths defeat in the civil war? explain.

Answers: 1

Another question on History

History, 22.06.2019 02:30
Read the information in the table and answer the question that follows. beliefs of two key leaders in the protestant reformation martin luther john calvin doing good works does not guarantee salvation. he disagreed with the catholic church regarding purgatory and other traditions. he believed god's love is a gift and not a prize to be won from human effort. doing good works does not guarantee salvation. he believed only god knows who will receive salvation. faith is the result of god's forgiveness of sins. based on the information in the table, which statement would most likely be a belief shared by both martin luther and john calvin? a. doing good deeds is not a means to salvation. b. praying will bring a person salvation. c. confessing your sins to a priest will bring penance. d. god has predestined those people who will be saved.
Answers: 2
History, 22.06.2019 05:00
Wiiy is limportant to consider the historical context surrounding an event when making a historical interpretation? o a. a conclusion that does not consider context is a generalization rather than an interpretation. b. historical interpretations are not valid if they are written in a similar context as the event. o c. every historical interpretation must consider the long-term consequences of an event. o d. the setting of an event can provide insight into why it happened.
Answers: 3
History, 22.06.2019 07:30
What was the name given to ronald reagan’s foreign policy
Answers: 1
History, 22.06.2019 09:30
What caused the first political parties to form?
Answers: 1
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What do you think led to the souths defeat in the civil war? explain....
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Biology, 22.10.2019 11:00
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