French, 01.06.2021 17:40 163565

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate vocabulary words. Remember to include the appropriate indefinite articles. Record the sentences. 1. Pour écouter de la musique, j'utilise de CD.
2. Avec numérique je peux prendre des photos de mes amis.
3. Par terre, (on the floor) il y a oriental.
4. Dans la salle de bains (bathroom), il y a pour se regarder.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate possessive adjectives. Record the sentences.
5. C'est l'amie de ma mère; c'est amie.
6. Voici les calculatrices de Jacques et de Paul; ce sont calculatrices.
7. La console de jeux vidéo est à toi; c'est console de jeux vidéo.

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate past participles of the verbs in parentheses. Record the sentences.
8. J'ai mon cartable sur la commode de Nicolas. (mettre)
9. Nous avons beaucoup de chance! (avoir)
10. Elle a sa leçon de géographie. (apprendre)

Translate the following sentences into French. Remember to include the appropriate articles and possessive adjectives. Record the sentences.
11. This is Marie's freestanding closet.
12. He is buying a new calculator.
13. We always eat a sandwich for lunch.
14. She is calling her mother on her cell phone.

Translate the following sentences into French using expressions with avoir. Record the sentences.
15. They are homesick.
16. I intend to travel to France in the summer.
17. He needs furniture.

Translate the following sentences using the passé composé form of the verbs in parentheses. Remember to raise your voice intonation when recording yes-or-no questions. For any other type of question, your voice intonation should go down.
18. You took her notebook! (prendre)
19. Did she drive her brother's car? (conduire) (Use inversion.)
20. Why did they sell their PDA? (vendre) (Use est-ce que.)

Answers: 2

Another question on French

French, 25.06.2019 13:30
Le football est le sport le plus populaire en france. vrai faux 2. la coupe du monde a lieu (takes place) tous les deux ans. vrai faux 3. en 2000, l'ã©quipe de france gagne la coupe du monde. vrai faux 4. le cameroun gagne le tournoi de football aux jeux olympiques de sydney. vrai faux 5. l'equipe du cameroun est la premiã­â¨re ã©quipe africaine ã­ ãºtre au classement mondial de la fifa. vrai faux 6. certains ãâ«tigres indomptablesãâ» jouent dans des clubs franã­â§ais et europã©ens. vrai faux 7. en france, il y a vingt ã©quipes professionnelles de football. vrai faux 8. la france est plus petite que le texas. vrai faux 9. l'olympique de marseille est un cã©lã­â¨bre stade de football. vrai faux 10. les franã­â§ais aiment jouer au football. vrai
Answers: 1
French, 26.06.2019 15:20
Will give ! need latin ! translate the following sentences ! bellum ab romanis in (against) graecos gestum est puellae ab nautus graecos pugnare gladiis doctae sunt dona magna ab pueris pulchris puellis parvis data erunt maga regni ab regina mala amatur ( dont use translators)
Answers: 2
French, 29.06.2019 01:00
Si je tombe en descendant du bus, j' a mal ? l'oeil. ai mal aux pieds. a mal ? la t? te
Answers: 2
French, 29.06.2019 10:30
1. les garçons 15 ans. a. as b. avons c. avez d. ont 2. fill in the blank with the correct form of verb avoir: mon ami pierre deux soeurs. a. as b. ont c. avons d. a 3. choose the articles of clothing you would use according to he situation: you are going to the movies with your friends. a. un pyjama b. does chaussons c. un jean d. des chaussettes
Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate vocabulary words. Remember to inc...
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