English, 19.10.2019 09:30 msab3253

Burned down to the ground, nothing left but the floor which stylistic device does the author use in line 10 ?
a. alliteration
b. assonance
c. personification
d. repetition

Answers: 2

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Plzzz me needs a hyphen or no hyphen 1. laura, a friendly little girl, says hello to everyone she passes 2. my uncle is well known jazz musician 3. our school's winning football record is welll known 4. the angry looking woman was having a heated discussion with the store manager.
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How are montag and faber opposites of each other? a) montag is a firefighter, therefore it is his job to burn books. faber used to be and english professor, and it was his job to teach students about books. b) montag is passionate and determined, and farber is wise and cautious c) montag is brave enough to steal and illegal book. faber was too afraid to speak up when books started to become illegal. d) all of the answer choices are correct
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If the four main points of this informational speech were changed 1. part-time job interviews ii. summer job interviews iii. college entrance interviews iv. full-time job interviews organization type would change from a. topical, cause-effect b. chronological, topical c. spatial, chronological d. cause-effect, spatial
Answers: 1
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Burned down to the ground, nothing left but the floor which stylistic device does the author use in...
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