English, 05.07.2019 01:00 aaaranda0308

How is a topic different from a theme? (5 points) it must take place in a larger literary conversation. it is written in a full paragraph form, with citations. it states a life lesson, while the theme does not. it does not state the life lesson, whereas a theme does. can someone pls

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 13:00
Excerpted from "hope is the thing with feathers" by emily dickinson [2] and sweetest���in the gale���is heard��� and sore must be the storm��� that could abash the little bird that kept so many warm��� [3] i've heard it in the chillest land��� and on the strangest sea��� yet, never, in extremity, it asked a crumb���of me. in the last stanza, the author writes that the little bird " a crumb of me" what type of figurative language is evident in these lines? a. onomatopoeia b. alliteration c. assonance d. personification
Answers: 3
English, 21.06.2019 15:00
In his adaptation of this excerpt, laurence olivier uses high cliffs as a a background and he holds onto a knife. what's effect do these choices have?
Answers: 1
English, 21.06.2019 16:30
Which excerpt from the awakening best highlights the elation edna feels when she thinks of robert? the morning was full of sunlight and hope. edna could see before her no denial—only the promise of excessive joy. she lay in bed awake, with bright eyes full of speculation. “he loves you, poor fool.” he would come to her in the afternoon or evening, sit and roll his cigarette, talk a little, and go away as he had done the night before. but how delicious it would be to have him there with her! robert did not come that day. she was keenly disappointed. he did not come the following day, nor the next. each morning she awoke with hope, and each night she was a prey to despondency. his horses were full of mettle, and even a little unmanageable. she liked the rapid gait at which they spun along, and the quick, sharp sound of the horses' hoofs on the hard road.
Answers: 2
English, 21.06.2019 18:30
Review questions what were the four stated goals of operation reinhard and how were these implemented? how did treblinka, sobibor, and belzec differ from other concentration camps built earlier? how did the nazi party maintain secrecy regarding the final solution? why was the madagascar plan not used? why were some individuals, including wwi veterans, to be spared the final solution?
Answers: 3
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How is a topic different from a theme? (5 points) it must take place in a larger literary conversat...
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