English, 08.01.2022 01:50 hdjsjfjruejchhehd

. Add the main clauses to the Claus es given Although we do not see each other very often, When I visited her Because she had a demanding job, Since I was her favourite, After she got married When I first started college While the Prime Minister was delivering his speech

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 21:30
What a literary critic determine a story's complex theme? oa. the public's reaction to the storyob. the number of characters in a storyoc. the order of events within the storyod. the specific details within the storysurmit
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 01:30
Part a which statement best describes a central idea in this narrative? in times of tragedy, it is difficult to determine how best to be of service. in times of crisis, people prefer to be alone. young people tend to look to older people to take action in times of tragedy. when people publicly commit to being of service, they are more likely to follow through. part b which detail from the text best to shape the central idea in part a? "'i thought you might have too much going on already. i saw everyone post online.' martin said, 'i don’t think anyone wanted to be in the way today, so i’m glad you came.'" "finally, he said, 'i don’t know what to do. i guess i should tell him to let me know if he needs anything, but that doesn’t feel like enough.'" "he wondered how many people would actually show up to out and how many would simply hope that enough others did." "he explained to her that martin’s mom had died, and told her how he felt about his friend’s loss. 'what do you plan to do for him? ' his mother asked."
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 03:30
That alligator hungry. vittles very scarce that time a season. his belly be pinchin him hard, now. but bruh deer is fat, and so he is in heavy trouble. the alligator there in front of him. the beagles there behind him. what bruh deer gone do? he sees the alligator and he hears the beagles. how does the author readers understand what the word pinchin means?
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 06:50
What are two themes in ted chiang’s “exhalation”?
Answers: 3
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. Add the main clauses to the Claus es given Although we do not see each other very often, When I...
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