English, 18.03.2021 02:40 amara71

Select the correct text in the passage. In the short story “A Will of Her Own,” Rosa only pretends to listen to her grandmother’s words. Which line from the excerpt supports this statement?
Rosa was a Swedish girl. She had so often heard people say, “Rosa has a will of her own,” that she began to think it rather a fine thing, and when people think it is rather a fine thing to be naughty, trouble is sure to follow.

One beautiful summer day Rosa's mother said to her: “Put on your Sunday frock, Rosa, and take these eggs to your grandmother. You may stay to tea, and play a little; but you must be back by seven o'clock.”

This pleased Rosa, for she was not often sent alone to her grandmother's, although she lived quite near. Soon she was ready. She looked very smart in her scarlet petticoat, bright apron, and white blouse, and started off proudly with her little basket of eggs.

Her grandmother was a beautiful old lady with gold spectacles and enormous white cap. She thanked Rosa for the eggs, gave her delicious tea with strawberries, cream, and cakes, and then said, “You can play in the garden until the bell rings. Only do not go near the river.”
“Thank you,” said Rosa, meekly, and walked away.

When she had shut the door, she gave her head a little toss and her shoulders a little shake, and said: “I only said ‘Thank you,’ not ‘Yes, thank you,’ for I mean to go near the river.” There is nowhere else to play. Mother always lets me go by the river, so why should Grandmother forbid it?'

Now, the stream where Rosa generally played was only a tributary, and was not nearly so deep and wide as the main river where she now was. Rosa stood on the bank watching the great pine-trunks, which, in Sweden, are always floating down by the rivers to the sea. The woodmen cut the trees down, mark them, and let them float where they will, and the owners claim the logs when they reach the Baltic. Rosa and her brother Rolf used to jump on these trees sometimes when they struck near the shore, float down the stream a little way, and then jump off again. It was always a dangerous game for children to play, but much more dangerous on the large river than on the little tributary.

Answers: 1

Another question on English

English, 21.06.2019 12:30
How are poe’s ideas of daytime similar in the final stanzas of "dreams" and "a dream"? a. both poems suggest that daytime offers the possibility for love. b. both poems insist that nature’s strength is overwhelming during the day. c. both poems indicate that daytime is the preferred time to dream. d. both poems suggest that daytime realities are inferior to dreams.
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Excerpt from marsupials carole jenkins they are basically very timid animals and 5 exscape from their enemies by jumping away on their strong and powerful hind legs. look at the underlined section labelled 5. there may be a mistake in punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. if you find a mistake choose the answer that corrects the mistake. if there is no mistake, choose ‘correct as is.’ a) correct as is. b) escape from their enemies by jumping away c) exscape from there enemies by jumping away d) exscape from their enemie’s by jumping away
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English, 22.06.2019 03:30
In just over one hundred years, between 1701 and 1810, 252,500 enslaved africans were brought to barbados—an island that occupies only 166 square miles (making it, today, one of the smallest countries in the world). the english then set out to conquer more sugar islands, starting with jamaica, which they took from spain in 1655. in the same period that the 252,500 africans were brought to barbados, 662,400 africans were taken to jamaica. thus, sugar drove more than 900,000 people into slavery, across the atlantic, to barbados and jamaica—and these were just two of the sugar islands. the english were eagerly filling antigua, nevis, saint kitts, and montserrat with slaves and sugar mills. they took over much of dutch guiana for the same reason. seeing the fortunes being made in sugar, the french started their own scramble to turn the half of the island of hispaniola that they controlled (which is now haiti), as well as martinique, guadeloupe, and french guiana (along the south american coast near dutch guiana), into their own sugar colonies, which were filled with hundreds of thousands more african slaves. by 1753, british ships were taking average of 34,250 slaves from africa every year, and by 1768, that number had reached 53,100. –sugar changed the world, marc aronson and marina budhos how do the authors use historical evidence to support their claim? x(a) they use secondary sources to show how french and english monarchs were indifferent to enslaved people. x(b)they use secondary sources to show that enslaved people often fought for their freedom after arriving in the caribbean. the answer is: (c)they use facts from primary sources to show how countries increased the number of enslaved people to produce more sugar. x(d)they use primary source interviews to show that countries could make more money in trading sugar without using enslaved people.
Answers: 1
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Select the correct text in the passage. In the short story “A Will of Her Own,” Rosa only pretends...
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