English, 25.01.2021 22:40 germanie123

PART TWO OF MY STORY: Our thirtieth customer walked up, "How may I help you?" I said not looking up. " One pizza, with a side of fruit and then- Wait can you add a cake to that and maybe also add five coffees" A familiar voice said. I looked up and saw Kenzie standing there with her friends behind her. "EW, You?" Kenzie said giving me and my friends dirty looks. "EW, You?" I said, I sighed "Coming right up Miss" Me, Marie, Tanaka and Pinky got to work, listening to what she said she wanted. "That will be $45" Tanaka said. "Here! Take the tip" Kenzie said, shoving $150 in my hand. I stood there. Speechless. The manager walked in doing his hourly check. "How much did you get this hour?" He said. "$325" Marie said quietly. "What?" He said seriously, "We got $325" Pinky said. "Wow! You guys get a bonus! $50 dollars for each of you!" Are mouths hit the ground in shock, ok maybe not actually, but we were shocked.


Me, Marie, Pinky, and Noya walked home, dancing and singing. "The party is in 5 days. We have enough time to set up!" Noya said in a singing voice, "Yup" Pinky said smiling. We went to bed early to get ready to set up the party tomorrow. We all said Good Night to each other and left to our rooms/houses. I woke up with Noya, Marie, and Pinky jumping on my bed. "Ugh- WAIT GUYS IT'S A BIG DAY TODAY WE HAVE TO SET UP" I shrieked, getting out of bed in a flash.

We all got dressed and went to the gym we rented. Marie got the strings all tangled. Pinky broke the ladder, and me, I picked up the trash. By two days we got finished. We walked into the now, colorful gym, admiring our work. We set up the tables on the day before Noya's birthday. The day quickly turned to nighttime, we admired our work one last time before we left.
The next day. We ordered five cakes, 10 pizzas, 50 drinks and cupcakes.

The day quickly passed by, When Noya walked into the gym, her eyes went wide open "This-This" she stuttered "IS AMAZING" She screamed. We all smiled and started admiring our own work again. Night time came, Kenzie, her friends, my bullies, my friends, and my coworkers from the restaurant we worked with even came too! We partied all night and ate we also had this pig projector set up so all of us could watch movies.

Noya walked up too us in the middle of the movie, "This is the best birthday ever!" she said grinning. "It feels like it's my birthday too" Marie said laying her head on the pillow she brought. "PRESENT TIME" Marie yelled and jumped off the ground. The whole crowd glared at Marie, while she ran towards the presents. Noya, Pinky, and me, followed her. I got my phone out and took a video, Pinky did the same. Noya first opened the present I gave her. She opened her eyes in shock "Y-you got me a brand new p-phone?" she said to me, then ran into me "Thank you so much!" she said. "Uh- No problem" I said nervously looking at the birthday crowd, thats looking at us.

Noya opened Marie's present, which was somehow moving. When Noya opened the present, then started crying, A rabbit hopped out of the box. Everyone said "Who" "Wooowww" "AAA" at the rest of Noya's presents.

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