English, 11.01.2021 22:00 sophiaa23

The climax of a story is the turning point of a story. True


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Answers: 3

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Buck did not cry out. he did not check himself, but drove in upon spitz, shoulder to shoulder, so hard that he missed the throat. they rolled over and over in the powdery snow. spitz gained his feet almost as though he had not been overthrown, slashing buck down the shoulder and leaping clear. twice his teeth clipped together, like the steel jaws of a trap, as he backed away for better footing, with lean and lifting lips that writhed and snarled. read this passage. explain what the conflict shows about buck and spitz.
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You know the right answer?
The climax of a story is the turning point of a story. True


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Questions on the website: 13722361