English, 24.06.2020 20:01 2sally2

In which portion of this excerpt from his Second Inaugural Address does Abraham Lincoln express his conflicting views about the continuation of the war? One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war, the magnitude, or the duration, which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before, the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible, and pray to the same God; and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces; but let us judge not that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered; that of neither has been answered fully. Fondly do we hope β€” fervently do we pray β€” that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"

Answers: 2

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English, 22.06.2019 02:30
Need the answer asap! read the sentence from the declaration of independence. which idea does this sentence best to develop ? that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government a) governments ultimately have the power to determine what rights the people have. b) revolting against the government should not be taken lightly. c) the colonists should seperate from great britain and create their own government. d) it is self evident that people have inalienable rights
Answers: 1
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In which portion of this excerpt from his Second Inaugural Address does Abraham Lincoln express his...
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