
List 8 products of technology, that can be used without the aid of any form of electronics, while they are being used.

Answers: 2

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 17:00
Match the following. 1. show grouping of word processing tasks that can be performed quick access toolbar 2. shortcut location for commonly used elements scroll bars 3. organized commands used to modify documents ribbon 4. used to align and measure content in a word screen zoom bar 5. vertical and horizontal bars that are used to navigate through a document contextual tabs 6. displays the name of the document in use ruler 7. allows users to enlarge or shrink a visual of a word document title bar
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Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 00:30
Which of the following would you find on a network
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Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 03:30
Ihave a singular monitor that is a tv for my computer. recently, i took apart my computer and put it back together. when i put in the hdmi cord and booted the computer to see if it worked, the computer turned on fine but the screen was blue with "hdmi no signal." i've tried everything that doesn't require buying spare parts, any answer is appreciated!
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Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 01:30
How would you cite different books by the same author on the works cited page? moore, jack h. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print. moore, jack h. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. moore, jack h. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print. –––. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. moore, jack h. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. moore, jack h. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print. moore, jack h. ballads in poetry – a critical review. dallas: garden books, 1962. print. –––. folk songs and ballads. salem: poetry press, 1999. print.
Answers: 2
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List 8 products of technology, that can be used without the aid of any form of electronics, while th...
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