
For python how do I ask the user how many numbers they want to enter and then at the ending add those numbers up together?

Answers: 1

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 19:30
Write a function processpeople() that takes the name of a file as a parameter. each line of the file corresponds to information about a person. in particular a line contains either a name (in the form lastname,firstname with no spaces in it) or a name (lastname,firstname) and a year. the function will process the file, creating a person object for each line in the file. the function will print information about each line as it processes it, as well as appending the new person object into a list. make sure to use person methods to display information rather than recreating the work you did for the first problem. once the entire file has been processed, the function returns the list of person objects created from the file. if the file is empty, the function should return an empty list. if the input file cannot be opened, the function should print a message to that effect and then return an empty list. the following shows what would be displayed for two example files which have been provided in the link. the file none.txt does not exist. note that your function must work on an arbitrary file that consists of valid lines. you cannot assume anything about the file except that it contains lines that have the format described above.
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 22:30
You are new to microsoft certification and want to start out by getting a certification geared around windows 8. what microsoft certification should you pursue?
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 01:00
Petrică, tânăr licean în clasa a ix-a, a primit în dar de la părinţii săi un cont bancar pentru micile sale cheltuieli curente. el este pasionat de internet banking şi îşi verifică cu grijă toate tranzacţiile efectuate. pentru creşterea securităţii tranzacţiilor online, banca îi furnizează lui petrică un număr pe care el va trebui să îl modifice, obţinând un număr tan – număr de autentificare a tranzacţiei (transaction authentication number). regula de obţinere a numărului tan este următoarea: se formează cel mai mic număr par din toate cifrele numărului furnizat de bancă. cerinţă cunoscând numărul n furnizat de bancă, să se determine numărul tan obţinut de petrică. date de intrare fişierul conţine pe prima linie numărul natural n cu semnificaţia din enunţ. date de ieşire fişierul de ieşire tan.out va conţine o singură linie pe care va fi scris numărul tan cerut. restricţii • 0 < n < 18*1018 • n are cel puţin o cifră pară • numărul tan obţinut nu poate conţine zerouri nesemnificative
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 00:40
What is the error in the following pseudocode? module main() call raisetopower(2, 1.5) end module module raisetopower(real value, integer power) declare real result set result = value^power display result end module
Answers: 1
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For python how do I ask the user how many numbers they want to enter and then at the ending add thos...
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Mathematics, 27.07.2020 14:01
Mathematics, 27.07.2020 14:01
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