
When visiting or learning about other places, what new things have you experienced? Choose all that apply. food and drink
music and art
values and ideas

Answers: 3

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 12:00
3. when you right-click a linked spreadsheet object, what commands do you choose to activate the excel features? a. linked worksheet object > edit b. edit data > edit data c. linked spreadsheet > edit d. object > edit data
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 01:00
What are two ways to access the options for scaling and page orientation? click the home tab, then click alignment, or click the file tab. click the file tab, then click print, or click the page layout tab. click the page layout tab, or click the review tab. click the review tab, or click the home tab?
Answers: 2
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 17:40
Write a program to analyze student’s scores. each student’s id and 4 original test scores are saved in the attached file “student_id_scores.txt”. assume there are exactly 15 students in the class.• the program first opens the file, reads student’s ids and scores from the file and saves them in two arrays: o create a one-dimensional string array “ids” to store the student’s ids.o create a (parallel) two-dimensional int array “scores” to store student’s original test scores. this array has 5 columns, the original 4 test scores should be saved in the first 4 columns, and the last column will be used to save the average score after the calculation in next step.• the program then retrieves test scores from the array “scores”, calculates average score and determines the final letter grade based on the rules in the table below for each student. assume average score is integer value.average score = (score1 + score2 + score3 + score4) / 4average score letter grade90 ~ 100 a80 ~ 89 b70 ~ 79 c60 ~ 70 d0 ~ 60 f• the average score should be saved back in the 5th column of “scores” array.• create a new parallel one-dimensional char array “grades” to save each student’s letter grade.• program also needs to find the number of a, number of b, number of c, number of d and number of f grade. as well as the highest, lowest and average score of the class.• finally, program will display all of the original scores and all results on the computer screen using the format shown as the sample output below.• the program must contain at least the following functions: (1) a function “getscores” to read and store data into “ids” and “scores” arrays.(2) a function “analyzescores” to calculate student’s average score, determine letter grade, get the number of a, b, c, d and f, find the highest, lowest and average score of the class.(3) a function “displayresults” to display all of the results
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 18:20
Acommon algorithm for converting a decimal number to binary is to repeatedly divide the decimal number by 2 and save the remainder. this division is continued until the result is zero. then, each of the remainders that have been saved are used to construct the binary number.write a recursive java method that implements this will accept a value of int and return a string with the appropriate binary character representation of the decimal code: public class lab16{public string converttobinary(int input){int a; if(input > 0){a = input % 2; return (converttobinary(input / 2) + "" +a); } return ""; } }
Answers: 1
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When visiting or learning about other places, what new things have you experienced? Choose all that...
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