
Design and implement the class PostType which is composed of class textType of the previous homework (i. e. using composition). In addition to the main text which represents the Post part of the postType, the class has a dynamic list of comments ( each element of type text represents the certain comment). Also, the class has the variable postID that represents the number associated with the post. The length of the comments list represents the number of comments and stored in the NumComments integer variable. In addition to the constructor with default parameters and the necessary functions, the function Show() or Print() will print the name of the person that write the post then the post itself followed by the comments of persons on the post (proceeded by the name of person write the comment). You can use the print of textType to print each post and each comment on the post after doing the following modification in Note 1. Also, you need a public function addComment to add comments to the Post with all necessary parameters such as the name the comment. Note 1: modify the class textType such that another variable of type string called Name represents the person who creates or said the text. This new variable must be printed with text in the print function and initiated in the constructor and any necessary modification. Note 2: the design of the class consists of design the UML Class diagram while the implementation consists of the class definition and class implementation (functions definition). Both should be submitted until next Monday during the lecture.

Answers: 3

Another question on Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 03:00
Data is processed, stored, and transmitted as a series of 1s and 0s. each 1 or 0 is called a(n) . a series of eight 0s and 1s, called a(n) , represents one character—a letter, number, or punctuation mark. data becomes when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use. digital signals are represented by two different , such as +5 volts and +.2 volts. digital data can also take the form of light and dark spots etched onto the surface of a cd or the positive and negative orientation of particles on the surface of a hard disk. data consists of numbers that might be used in arithmetic operations. it can be represented digitally using the number system. data is composed of letters, symbols, and numerals that are not used in arithmetic operations. computers represent this type of data using , ebcdic, unicode, or utf-8. data is quantified using terms such as or kibibyte (1024 bytes), and prefixes such as or mebi (1,048,576), and giga or (1,073,741,824). to reduce file size and transmission times, digital data can be compressed. compression provides the means to compress data and reconstitute it into its original state. compression throws away some of the original data during the compression process. compressed files usually have at the end of the file name and are represented with special icons. these files have to be or unzipped before you can view the data they contain.
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 23:00
In which part of a professional email should you try to be brief, but highly descriptive?
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Which software would you use to create a print design? a. illustrator b. audacity c. reaper d. dreamweaver
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Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 02:50
Define a class named movie. include private fields for the title,year, and name of the director. include three public functions withprototypes void movie: : settitle(cstring); , voidmovie: : setyear(int); , void movie: : setdirector(string); . includeanother function that displays all the information about a movie.write a main() function that declares a movie object namedmyfavoritemovie. set and display the object's fields.this is what i have but know its wrong since it will notcompile: #include#includeusing namespace std; //class declarationclass movie{private: string movietitle ; string movieyear; string directorname; public: void settitle(string title); void setyear(string year); void setdirector(string director); void displayinfo(); }; //class implementationvoid movie: : settitle(string title){ movietitle = title; cout< < "what is the title of themovie? "< > temp; myfavoritemovie.settitle(temp); cout< < "enter movie year"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setyear(temp); cout< < "enter director'sname"< > temp; myfavoritemovie.setdirector(temp); //display all the data myfavoritemovie.displayinfo(); system("pause"); return 0; this code is not entirely mine someone on cramster edited my firstcode but then i try manipulating the new code and i still get acompile error message : \documents\visual studio 2008\projects\movie\movie\movie.cpp(46) : error c2679: binary '< < ' : no operator found which takes aright-hand operand of type 'std: : string' (or there is no acceptableconversion)c: \program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio9.0\vc\include\ostream(653): could be'std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & std: : operator< < > (std: : basic_ostream< _elem,_traits> & ,const char *)w
Answers: 1
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Design and implement the class PostType which is composed of class textType of the previous homework...
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