
The following relational schema represents PRODUCT, SUPPLY, and SUPPLIER tables, where P# = Product Number, QTY = Quantity, S# = Supplier Number. SELL_PRICE in PRODUCT is the price of selling, while SUP_PRICE is the supplier-pnce supplied by the supplier. PRODUCT (P#, P_NAME, SELL PRICE, QTY) SUPPLY(S#*, P#*, SUP_PRICE) SUPPLIER(S#, CITY) The above contain an important error. What is it? Be specific. Explain.

Answers: 3

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Write a method that takes in an array of point2d objects, and then analyzes the dataset to find points that are close together. be sure to review the point2d api. in your method, if the distance between any pair of points is less than 10, display the distance and the (x,y)s of each point. for example, "the distance between (3,5) and (8,9) is 6.40312." the complete api for the point2d adt may be viewed at ~pf/sedgewick-wayne/algs4/documentation/point2d.html (links to an external site.)links to an external site.. try to write your program directly from the api - do not review the adt's source code.
Answers: 1
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The following relational schema represents PRODUCT, SUPPLY, and SUPPLIER tables, where P# = Product...
English, 02.10.2019 09:50
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