Chemistry, 16.06.2021 01:30 jacks0292

Why is NH3 polar but CH4 non polar

Answers: 3

Another question on Chemistry

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Which type of precipitation would most likely form when the surface air temperature is slightly below freezing and the air temperature increases as you move upward away from the ground?
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1) which of the following is the best example of a physical change? a) sugar dissolving in tea b) firefly glowing 2) in the combustion of ethane, what is/are the reactants? c2h6 + o2 ==> co2 + h2o a) c2h6 and o2 b) co2 and c2h6
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Movement that is like a t a type of wave that transfers energy where the particles in the medium move in a circle motion while the energy travels left or right. a type of wave that transfers energy where the particles in the medium move perpendicular to the direction in which the energy is traveling. transfers energy from one location to another a type of wave that transfers energy where the particles in the medium move parallel to the direction in which the energy is traveling. movement that is back and forth, like an equal sign = 1. wave 2. parallel movement 3. perpendicular movement 4. transverse wave 5. longitudinal wave 6. surface wave
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What is the solubility-product constant of barium sulfate, baso4, if a saturated solution is 1.03 ´ 10-5 m?
Answers: 3
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Why is NH3 polar but CH4 non polar...
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