Chemistry, 05.05.2020 00:15 ladawnrowles005

Question 1 options:
Radioactivity is caused by the decay of the nucleus which occurs when unstable nuclei lose protons and neutrons. This quiz will look at the time it takes for a specific amount of radioactive material to decay, which is measured in a unit called half-life.

If you are given the half-life for the decay of a particular radioisotope, then you can calculate how much of that radioisotope remains after several half-lives:
fraction remaining (FR) = 1/2n

where n=number of half-lives

Knowing this, what is the fraction equivalent of 2 half-lives?

Answers: 1

Another question on Chemistry

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What does standard deviation reveal about data? a. the average of all the data points b. which of the data points is most reliable c. how spread out the data points are d. the percent error included in the data
Answers: 2
Chemistry, 22.06.2019 06:30
Ineed someone to see if my answers are correct! if any are wrong let me know what the correct answers would be and how to get that answer! 1. how many moles of sodium chloride are in 28 grams od nacl? a. 265 mole naclb. 856 mole naclc. 479 mole of nacld. 1.2 mole nacl < my choice2. 734 grams of lithium sulfate (li2so4) are dissolved to make 2500 ml of solution what is rhe molaratiy? a. 2.67 mb. 4.56 mc. 3.89 m < my choiced. 1.78 m3. how many grams of cacl2 would be dissolved in 3.0 l of a 0.50 m solution of cacl2? a. 250 g cacl2 b. 166.5 g cacl2c. 113.65 g cacl2d. 98 g cacl2 < my choice4. suppose you had 58.44 g of nacl and you dissolved it in exactly 2.00 liters. the molarity if the solution would be 0.5 mtrue < my choicefalse 5. i would need 22g of naoh to make a 3.0 m solution using 250 ml of solvent.true < my choicefalse6. identify the solute: you have a .0195 m solution made from using 6.5 g of solute and 3 l of solvent. identify the solute by solving for molar weight.a. the solute is nacl because the molar weight is 58.43 g/mol < my choiceb. the solute is h2so4 because the molar weight is 98.06 g/molc. the solute is cacl2 because the molar weight is 111.11 g/mol
Answers: 1
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Answers: 3
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Answers: 3
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Question 1 options:
Radioactivity is caused by the decay of the nucleus which occurs when unst...
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