Chemistry, 27.06.2019 10:00 maelaysiap

Water is produced from the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen gas, according to the equation below. what is the excess reactant in the reaction of 4.2 moles of hydrogen with 3.0 moles of oxygen? 2h2(g) + o2(g) → 2h2o(l)

Answers: 1

Another question on Chemistry

Chemistry, 21.06.2019 20:30
In which layer of earth do most earthauakes occur a_ inner core b_outer core c_mantle d_crust
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Chemistry, 22.06.2019 03:50
Consider the reaction: n2(g) + o2(g) ? 2no(g) kc = 0.10 at 2000oc starting with initial concentrations of 0.040 mol/l of n2 and 0.040 mol/l of o2, calculate the equilibrium concentration of no in mol/l how would this be done?
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Chemistry, 22.06.2019 09:30
Which ocean zone has the most abundant primary producer and why a) the abyssopelagic zone ,du to the absence of light and cold water temperatureb) the bathypelagic zone, due to the absence of light and cold water temperaturec) the mesopelagic zone ,due to uts high light availability and warm water temperature d) the epipelagic zone,due to its high light availability and warm water temperature
Answers: 3
Chemistry, 22.06.2019 15:30
Light waves travel than sound waves.
Answers: 2
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Water is produced from the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen gas, according to the equation below. wha...
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