Biology, 12.02.2021 04:10 ygrant03

A student observes that a type of eubacteria contains chlorophyll. Which of these does this type of bacteria have in common with plants?
a. It’s photosynthetic
b. It contains mitochondria
c. It contains vascular tissue
d. It’s heterotrophic

Scientists have experimented with potatoes to determine if they can change their starch composition. They inserted a new protein
into the potatoes genes which caused more starch to accumulate in the potato. The increased starch resulted in less fat
absorption during cooking and thus a significantly lower-fat product… which sounds great to me because I love french fries….
anyway. What macromolecule does starch (or potatoes) fall under?
a. Lipid
b. Carbohydrate
c. Protein
d. Nucleic Acid

Carbon dioxide makes up less than 1 percent of Earth’s atmosphere, and oxygen makes up about 20 percent. These percentages
are maintained most directly by:
a. cell respiration and photosynthesis
b. the ozone layer
c. synthesis and digestion
d. energy recycling in the ecosystem

Many aquatic birds secrete waxy organic substances that repel water. The birds use these substances to coat their feathers. An
analysis of these substances would reveal that they are composed mostly of.
a. lipids
b. proteins
c. carbohydrates
d. nucleic acids

New and distinct species can be formed over time through evolutionary means and natural selection… which of the following is a
macromolecule that can be used to determine the similarities species share?
a. ATP
b. Lipids
c. DNA
d. Carbohydrates
The Venus flytrap is a plant that has a unique system by which it traps and breaks
down its prey. Unsuspecting insects land on the leaf and touch tiny hairs located
on the leaf, triggering the leaf to close around the prey.
The substance responsible for breaking down the Venus flytrap’s prey most likely
a. chlorophyll molecules
b. glucose molecules
c. hormones
d. enzyme
The photosynthetic species of algae called coccolithophore provides food for creatures in the ocean, and their skeletons supply
beneficial carbon as well. Scientists have observed that the pH of the oceans is decreasing, causing the coccolithophore to grow
more slowly and produce flimsier skeletons. Scientists believe that over time, natural selection will cause this algae to become
more tolerant of the lower ocean pH. The lower pH of the ocean means that the ocean is becoming
a. more alkaline (basic)
b. more acidic
c. more neutral
d. warmer

Answers: 2

Another question on Biology

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You know the right answer?
A student observes that a type of eubacteria contains chlorophyll. Which of these does this type of...
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