Arts, 26.09.2019 05:50 sdolina5

Which of the dollowing is true about charcoal?
a. it is made by mixing carbon and clay. has been a main medium used by japanese artists throughout history. c.charcoal is difficult to work with and expensive. d.there are two forms of charcoal that are popularly used.

Answers: 2

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Arts, 22.06.2019 04:00
Ineed an anime drawing of summer corrin. will award brainliest.
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Arts, 23.06.2019 14:00
Question: michelangelo made several creative decisions in the process of making the pieta. one of these was to portray mary as a young woman. how would the sculpture be different if mary had appeared to be in her early 50's, as she probably was when christ was crucified? would this improve or detract from the work? why? use additional internet resources in support of
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The architect senemut built a great mortuary for which egyptian leader
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Arts, 23.06.2019 22:20
In which u.s. state would you find a full-size replica of the the parthenon?
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You know the right answer?
Which of the dollowing is true about charcoal?
a. it is made by mixing carbon and clay. h...
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